Seems like we can talk sense again - great!
Seeing that there is no FPGA means a lot so you are in agreement that most of these 10 -16 chip board designs and larger configurations do not need it?
Also in terms of stacking we are looking at a 600 W PSU that could supply power to how many boards?
So in terms of heat sink what will you be using Aluminium extruded like on the Avalon rigs?
The heat sinks will be connected to vias to dissipate heat or do you have something else in mind?
My apologies if this has been answered before in the thread. I will continue reading through and revise if necessary.
1. I use a PIC microcontroller for this design. An FPGA makes only sense for very large designs.
2. For more then 1 or 2 modules a standard PC power supply will be the best choice.
A 600W will likely support about 12 Modules, for 16 800W or more are recommended.
I will offer the Mean Well GS60A12-P1J high-efficiency power supply as option for single modules.
Yes, extruded Aluminum.
My calculations show that thermal vias should be sufficient but i'm trying to get copper inlays for best thermal performance.
They are solid copper chunks laminated into the board.
What's the estimated size of the 20 Chip PCB with mounting materials and cooling solution?
length, width, height?
What do you guys think how many gram?
135x100x50mm - still subject to change
weight: 250 to 400g
There will be the following order options:
1. Completed 10 Chip PCB with mounting materials and cooling solution
2. Completed 20 Chip PCB with mounting materials and cooling solution
3. Bare bones assembled 10 or 20 Chip PCBs for the DIY folks
4. Empty 10 or 20 Chip boards for hard-core DIY (If you ordered chips from Zefir i can send them together with the boards)
Burnin few question:
- Can you post estimated cost for option 3 ?
- Option 4 are possible if chip buy from SebastianJu ?
- Possibility for mix buy: one completed PCB and rest as bare bones ?
Would be around 10 or 15eur less then the one with thermal solution.
I would have to check with Sebastian first but should be possible.
Mix buy? - no problem.
Put it this way, if you could halve the cost of assembly due to such large demand for your services, you would probably receive double the orders (from me at least).
Optimizing a design for minimal cost requires more development and testing then I can do that in the given time frame.
I might develop a revision 2, after shipping of the first few batches, that is more cost optimized.
But even that won't halve the price.