One of the major problem an average person that has an incredible business idea faces is the ability to raise the initial capital that's required to bring his ideas to life. and in solving this challenge, the available option has always ranged from iether taking a loan from a financial institution or seeking for investors that will take a particular percentage of the company and will in return provide the necessary financial support.
What I do when I want to develop a business is to consider it over a long period of time. However even after a long period of time, I am still trying to develop this business personally, meaning that before making a decision to borrow or get funds from investors, the guaranteed thing is to find the weaknesses of this business and fix them completely in order to minimize losses. For example: I have a local craft business that is only able to meet demand in the nearest area, so I was given 3 months to work on it completely, evaluating any gaps, quality of goods, abundant supply of raw materials, everything must be checked carefully. The aim is that in the future, if production is expanded, all the materials needed will not experience problems such as a shortage of raw materials amidst high demand. This will create a stock of goods that is ready to be distributed on an ongoing basis with market demand that is truly able to meet it.
As for the involvement of third parties, for me there is no problem, whether you want to borrow or receive funds from investors, as long as you are able to carry out this according to a structured plan, there will be no obstacles in sharing profits.