What you want is:
1) More signals that result in good trades than bad ones.
2) The bad signals leading to small losses, and the good signals leading to big gains, relatively.
If you satisfy those two criteria, you'll make a lot of money and probably sleep easy at night doing so.
Point #2 is exactly what I was missing until recently. It dawned on me now that there are two ways to go against losses in principle, not entering the losing trade at all (which is what I "forced" until now), or being more permissive on both entries and exits, but aiming to minimize the losses in the bad cases. So far, my solution to the "Don't sell too early during a bubble" problem was restricting sells by a longer term filter on the mid term momentum signal, but this wasn't a good idea I realize now. Better to allow a somewhat larger number of trades in total, some of which are highly profitable, and some of which are slightly unprofitable, than to go out of your way to prevent the unprofitable trades.