Hi micgoossens,
Unfortunately, I won't be able to get involved in much online socially for the next month of two. I'm actually rather depressed at the moment because it looks like my wife and I are going to move in with her mother into her 5,000+ square feet home. Her mother is 84 years old and in need of someone living with her or going into a nursing home. Well, she does not want to go into a nursing home. I can't blame her... So, it looks like all my remodel work in my office was in vain because I'm about to do it AGAIN in her basement. Meaning, I'm about to build another office AGAIN in her basement in preparation of our move from our current house to her house.
Moving in with my mother-n-law puts back my plans for my website going LIVE at least another month but likely two months. I will be very busy over the next 3 to 4 weeks building a brand new office in her unfinished basement. Meaning, I'm building new walls, electrical, lighting, painting, etc... I'm moving some of my stuff over there but not all of it. I'm just kind of bummed out right now that I have to do that ALL OVER ONCE AGAIN. Also bummed out I'm moving most everything out of my house into storage and putting up my house for sale. The bright side is I can use profit made from selling my house into buying more crypto.
Anyway, I'm going to be SUPER BUSY over the next couple of months and likely not going LIVE with my website until after the office is built at my mother-n-law's house and our move into her house is completed. My wife's brothers are not as flexible in their time as my wife and I are flexible. Her brother's wives also have jobs. My wife does not have a job except for taking care of our son and home schooling our son. I work out of my home trading full time. So, we are the only siblings who are flexible enough to be able to move in with her and stay with her to take care of her.
It's time to begin work in her basement.
#1 - Clean out her basement where I'm building the office.
A) Set up metal racks to store her stuff I'm moving onto those racks.
B) Paint a sealant on two center-block walls before attaching 2x4's to those walls vertically and spaced 24 inches apart.
#2 - Attach 2x4's to two of the center-block walls
#3 - Build framing for two new walls with 2x4's that are 24 inches apart on center.
#4 - Drill holes in 2x4's to pass through 12x2 AWG wiring for receptacles and light switches THEN install the electrical boxes for the light switches and receptacles.
#5 - Install extra wood between 2x4's in locations where wall mounts for the 55 inch 4k TV's will be mounted.
#6 - Pull through network wiring (CAT-5) inside 2x4 framed wall.
#7 - Install plywood horizontally on the 2x4's. The walls will be 3/4 inch thick plywood instead of drywall or panelling.
#8 - Paint the plywood wall.
#9 - Install the light switches and receptacles inside their proper electrical boxes that were mounted on the 2x4's before applying the plywood to the 2x4's.
10 - Connect the wall mounts for the 4k TV's in their proper place on the walls.
11 - Paint and install NEW wall cabinets on one wall.
12 - Load up and move the base cabinets and counter tops at my house and move them to the new office.
13 - Load up and move my glass "L-Shaped" desk from my house to the new office.
14 - Load up and move my 4k TV's to the new office then install them on the wall mounts.
15 - Install and setup Cable modem, wireless router, managed switch for office equipment.
16 - Load up my desktop computers at my house and move them to the new office along with my five (5) 27 inch monitors.
THEN - Finally get back to working on the website WHILE working 2 to 6 hours a day packing up stuff at my house to move into storage. My wife and I will take our time only working 2 to 6 hours each day packing up stuff at our house in preparation to move out. I will provide an occasional update to TradingView during this time. The more I think about it, this may take two months to accomplish. I don't want to take on the responsibility of providing signals and education to PAYING customers WHILE ALSO trying to move. It's important to have all the moving behind us and be settled in at my mother-n-law's place before taking on that responsibility.
The following is to give you an idea of what I've done in my office remodel at my house that I'm going to sell: