Precisely, and therefore you heard my opinion on the subject.
Your coin will stagnate until you don't comply with the very fundamental principle of crypto currencies and keep hiding your source code from the community. That's what happens to greedy developers, and when greed and short-sighted business considerations take precedence over acting with moral.
I fully understand in Russia the greed is the main driving force in society, personal relation and anything really. Such greed is manifested in this case in the form of an crypto currency and take from the open source community (Nodejs, Bitcoin, etc.) and don't give back anything.
The low moral Putin boys have to understand that open source software is not a one way traffic, it requires not only take but give back to the community.
Explain me this, how does Crypti being open-source affect you in any way? Secondly you say that the Crypti devs are greedy and they are trying to make money off their project. That is perfectly fine if they make money off their own creation, but according to you that's immoral.
But I guess you're okay with the fact that as soon as the source code is released and numerous clones start popping up, all of their so called "developers" will be making tons of cash of the Crypti devs' creation, yet they themselves have only changed the title of their clone and have contributed in no way at all to the source code. Where is the logic in that?