Another item I would like to see on the list of things to implement, although not directly to XCR the coin, is an email distribution list for wallet/forge updates, Major announcements, etc.
We have a mailchimp account and will have a signup membership to be Foundation members as well as one to be notified of updates.
This will all be part of the site re-design. When can we expect the re-design by? Also GreXX any update on the expanded info for the roadmap?
I should have the expanded info up tonight or tomorrow.
As far as the re-design, we are having trouble finding the right designer and are still interviewing candidates. We will let you all know when someone is hired and we begin work.
If you really want to hire the best designers out there, post a Job Listing on Dribbble : Companies like Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft etc have all sourced designers from Dribbble. There is no single place where you can find better talented designers than on Dribbble.
You can even hire multiple designers and organize them to work in teams, much like what Dropbox is doing : I guarantee you, that you will find the best designers on Dribbble, there is no other place like it.
Secondly, why hire only one designer? Given the amount of funding, I would recommend hiring two designers, with one specializing in UI/UX and the other in Web Design. That way you can delegate design tasks between them, the UX designer could design the mock-ups and hand it over to the other to code it. Secondly with separate designers for each design field you could have one working on the wallet UI and the other on the new site.
You could also hire entire teams to do your initial design work. The team will have it's own internal developers, web designers, UI Designers, Motion Authors etc. For example here is one of the leading design teams : last thing I recommend is providing Design Guidelines for new designers coming into the team. Once Crypti has been re-branded and everything has settled down it is critical that your current designers create a "Guidelines" so that new designers that come into the team can maintain the same design style that was previously used. For example here's a typical design guideline presentation from another company :