It takes an expert 4 hours to set up a DRK masternode. 4 hours!!
DRK "trustless" weak point isn't even necessarily in their blockchain, but rather... Do you really trust the person setting up the masternode for you?
Before the 7th of july people are gonna come here and they expect to find info such as this, how much easier it is for XC to setup a node and get the fees. We have to keep thread clean and tidy till then. In PST you can keep useful info about price, but right here there will be crazy influx of info-hungered investors and traders looking for proof XC is strong. I expect more volume than VRC at that day.
Yea and XC's Xnode steals your coins since its not trustless..
Would you rather have, Darkcoin's Masternodes that are working perfectly and trustless
XC's Xnodes that steal user's coins and are trusted, while not proving anonymity.
I would be obliged to answer, were it not for another DKR troll. Back to your cave pest!
Yea, "troll" alright, if you read my post history you'd see I also explain Darkcoin's flaws, but Darkcoins flaws are miniscule compared to XC's flaws which would take a whole 700 page book to write out.. Also atsecure deletes post against his XC scam.
XC Xnodes arent even working, and there have been cases of them stealing the XC used to make it, since there not decentralized or trustless.
Anyone actually buying XC is a dumbass of the highest calibre.
It also isnt surprising to see that most posters for XC are sockpuppet accounts with only a few posts or complete newbies who are buying into a scam...sad to see.
XC is just a complete and utter bullshit ripoff of Darkcoin. Darkcoin made masternodes that are trustless, and has Darksend.
atsecure being the copy/paste "dev" he is, made a trusted version of masternodes called xnodes that can steal users coins, and a shitty mediocre version of darksend called xsend that doesnt even work..
This is comedy...