zipped file.
PW protected.
MD5 included
"sendfrommixer" MAIN XV49MnmtTirtZSQ2jtgisvNhNr6DduzCNu 2.2
EDIT: Being that there seems to be a conflict on BOTH sides here, I have included an MD5 in a PW protected zipfile that is uploaded to my sharepoint site.
How I understand it. They NEED the md5 to make a connection. They can't without.
Yeah that was stupid, why even work towards these idiot, no other anon coin has to prove shit but xc, he will find the adress only with md5, he will NEVER admit that xc anon works, NEVER. read his post history
Completely agree, why are people so hung up on this? All he should need is the receiving address and tx id. If he can't do it with just that then it works, period. Stop feeding the trolls
its the mentality of alot of nice people to work towards the assholes in this world. and since we have the nicest people in xc community we attract more FUDster than others cause some of us subconciously feed them again and again expecting them to change eventually. reality check: won't happen.
chap isn't giving constuctiv critisism and he will NEVER stop.
I think he will stop. He already won't confront ATCSecure in this thread. If he can't get this correct I think it all ends here. I'm sorry, but I think if we can shut up the biggest critics, then the victory is enormous. I posted the new challenge in the uncensored thread.
In a real life situation you would not have an MD5 would you? All you would have is the incoming amount and TX ID.
Therefore, I hashed the MD5 including the sender and receiver, and zipped it. It is there. the password will be available later - say 4 pm CST, so 3hr45mins from now.