I don't like posting, but some of the nonsense going on here is bothering me.
Let's throw out the comparisons, analogies, and whatever story you got. You need to look at the main picture. What's going on? Look at the market. It's shit. Mining is worse than ever. Wallets infected with malware becoming more common. Uninspiring coins cashing in on the latest trend, well that's the same shit different day deal. It used to be anon, multisig, now it's anon + market, smart contracts, magical tech. MintPal used to have 2,000+ btc daily volume traded. Bittrex, still p&d central. Most are just uninspiring p&d coins that get left for dead, repeat ad nauseam. ICO/IPOs end up being a quick P&D with no future. The point? This is how money leaves the alt scene. Confidence dwindles.
XC was once labeled as a Fedora clone hack job. The dev a scammer. This was only a few months ago. Now he's getting paid by other developers/communities to verify their goods. It shows ATC as a businessman, XC as a leader. Who do you want in charge of development if you want to make money?
So what if a new developer on the scene wants to push out innovative ideas and useful features? He can inspire confidence by submiting proof of code. Clean, legit, innovative, certified to fly. Otherwise you get paired up with the bad of the cryptoworld. Look at every new announcement thread. POD! POD! POD!, what's the points of this shitcoin? You can open source all your goodies, but you know what happens after that. People use your tech, don't even credit you, run a quick p&d and leave the scene worse off. Case in point, Shadow with all its clones. These reviews help the entire alt scene.
An interesting thing to note. Supercoin devs said in their whitepaper a long time ago (phase one era) that Cloak had no idea what trustless meant. If Cloak had proof of code done would they have even gotten pumped? We saw the results of their 3rd party audit and its effect. How many people got burned on this? How many of them are bitter and are trolling other threads?
As for development on XC. Solidify the foundation. This means bulletproofing network, security and privacy features. Have you paid attention to some of the issues that have popped up for other coins? Network and security issues. If only they had someone on their team who was an expert in these fields. People already forgot about the ad hosting collab service. This is a ground breaking idea and it's just the beginning. I don't like coin hyping so I will stop there. If you feel depressed over XC's market, just look at Dan's linkedin.
http://www.linkedin.com/pub/dan-metcalf/12/1a8/b82As for the fudders, let them eat stake.
I put a tiny buy at 0.00127400 on Mint and a bunch of bots (I assume) cut ahead of me. I'll play your game