To the XC guru's - does it look to you all normal here:
What i'm concerned is
1. my XC wallet (node?) is online continuously for maybe 4 days now (restarted several times), and it never gets more then 3 connections. Is there any reason I should want more then 3 connections? How to make this?
I launched another XC wallet at my work place, and even on empty wallet I noticed 6 connections several times there. Both are on a 100mbps fiberline internet connection. Why? And how to improve this?
Both are on WIN8.1 PC's, with a 100mbps fiber line internet connection.
2. The minting status (weight) and "expected time to earn rewards is 4 h" does not change for last 3 days.
But... I still see 0.000 in the stake rewards window. Normal?
for the stake rewards: it is somekind of lottery between 8hr and 30days... so yeah it is normal
don't look at the expected time.
I got my first stake around day 8 and a constant flow of minting every 3-5 days ( I have only between 100 & 200 XC's)
for the connection's: I'm at my work now and no access to my wallet... so I can't see how many connection I have now
But I've seen +60 connection's earlier...