I have a question Guys
I bought many XC this morning and now i consider to stake them. But i am also not sure what will happen with xc price. So i would like to let em on exchange.
Somebody can tell me how much Xc profit u make for staking 2010XC in a day?
Haven t found a formula to calculate or some experiences
Somebody replied already and I think he was spot on, you can look forward to something more than 1 xc per week.
Morning all
After staying awake for 23 hours I've now got a few hours' sleep and would like to do my best to field questions about Rev 2.
First off, I am sincerely sorry for having let you all down. I appreciate how a late, testnet-only release has injured your faith in XC, in the team, and in ATCsecure. We're very sorry for both what happened and for how we handled it. Down to the last 30 minutes we all believed, as most of you did, that the release would come out in time. If we had not thought this, then we would have informed you as early as possible about a delay and taken the hit. But we did believe it would be released. Unfortunately there was a single issue with the mainnet compile, that Dan identified and understood, yet that would take too long to resolve.
The broader reason for not having released on time are circumstances over the weekend that have nothing to do with development, severe in nature, and private to the affected person, which unavoidably took up the majority of this person's time. It's frustrating, but in a small team these sorts of events have a large effect. Nonetheless we were confident that the release would be out in time, but some minor details (and our complete unwillingness to risk your funds) prevented it.
But what we have achieved is nonetheless a world first. Until today, there has never been a decentralised trustless mixer. And now there is, in the app you downloaded today.
I've been saying for a while that XC is not semi-centralised, therefore no "security bottleneck" in the form of supernodes.
Well, with Rev 2 every singe wallet is automatically an Xnode. It's completely decentralised.
This should address people's questions about how to set up an Xnode in Rev 2. It's set up already. Just start testing it, and track what it does in the blockchain.
Updates will be very frequent and the app will go onto the mainnet in due course.
We're also unveiling the promised announcements today and tomorrow, and they're no less positive.
Enjoy what's good about the situation: a world-first that in fact surpasses the Xnode/normal node distinction, which is better than what we stated we'd release. This, plus the fact that XC's fundamentals are the same, plus the news we have to share with you later today, paints a very optimistic picture.
Ask me as many questions as you like. I can't promise to be able to answer all of them, since I'm not the dev, but I'll try.
You guys have done a great job, don't listen to any1. I feel like most people here are living in their own fictional crypto-bubble. I am an experienced PC user and having been a gamer for the most part of my life, I am just TOO familiar with BIG, FUCKING MULTIBILLION software companies underdelivering/overpromising and fukin their clients over and over again.
You are trying to revolutionize a whole freaking scene here, not release a fucking game, and yet people lose it and go ape shit with every freaking inconvenience. My only regret is being all in and not being able to purchase more of XC. That's my only real concern right now.
What I do not regret, is NOT being in Dan's team. These guys work their ass off, and at every small misstep they hear it from 80% of the fucking "community". Team has immense cohones and stomach. To all our "friends" and "longtime holders", a sincere
FUCK YOU for losing ur faith on some FREAKING 5 POST FUD ACCOUNTS. SRSLY.
If I had 1 month worth more of experience in this scene id manipulate the shit out of you in losing all your money and I would buy you over 3 times till XC got mainstream. Im not saying, dont critisice the team on missteps and under-delivering, but BE JUST and provide constructive critisism for the love of GOD.
5 POST FUD ACCOUNTS FOR THE FUK OF GOD.Thank you team for all your hard work, im still boarding the moon train.