From what I gather you are a self-proclaimed PR "manager" that has no clue and idea what is going on and just push the hype train as far as you can. How can there be a compile issue that prevents releasing a wallet. If you are working on a software project, in a unnmanaged language like C++ which the wallet is made in you write code, compile, test and repeat which means there must have been intermediate versions all along or THERE HAS NEVER BEEN ANY WORKING MAINNET IMPLEMENTATION EVER, AT ALL which is the most plausible situation given that ridiciolous and stupid explaination you've made.
I won't even go and touch the issue of "announcements of annoucements" which is nothing but pure market manipulation and not done in any good faith.
You have reason to be frustrated, so I won't begrudge you that.
Thank you. Much appreciated.
I'll try to improve by not creating the impression that I hype things. In my opinion I've only talked about the fundamentals, but perhaps being excited about them isn't appropriate in some circumstances.
For example I've previously informed people in advance that there'll be an announcement so that those not online at the time get a chance to hear the news. Some people perceive this as hyping an announcement.
Though this is true respecting the fact that people resultantly get excited, that is, "hyped", about the announcement, it's not true that informing people in advance is hyping. The hype is in the excited people, not in the information. But this doesn't mean I should necessarily carry on doing things this way. I'll think this over.