Crypto Kingdom sounds ridiculous. What is needed is integration with darknet and privacy-related services, as others are saying. It's strange how little focus there has been on privacy issues for an anonymous coin.
I'm going to take a stab at this.
This post might convince you I'm not a completely biased shill.
I probably share some views - the fact that the game is being seriously considered as a bolster to the Monero economy makes me cringe. And many of rpetlia's posts just come at me wrong. For this reason I've opted out of the MEW even though I have donated to the development team. Depending on the nature of Cryptokingdom - if it's more than just 2d half life it might be a lot of fun. But we'll see.
Here are my reasons.
. Monero is more open to criticism than most other altcoin communities. (Not a moderated announcement thread, etc). I still butt heads with the shills but ... as altcoins go. It's better than the average circlejerk.
. The first non scam cryptonote. Explaining all of the history might too long winded for me to do here. But basically cryptonote was a completely new codebase centered around mathematicaly provable anonymity with interesting origins. The Monero people have had professional mathematicians and developers review the codebase to ensure that it actually is anonymous.
. The level of having standard anonymity on all transactions in a coin (in my mind) increases the anonymity by as much adoption as the coin has. Instead of the powers that be being able to narrow down trying to track or trace the 5% of transactions that are anonymous they will have to attack the entire userbase to get any information.
. Monero is not a pump and dump. If you look closely at most coins - it's a game. Get in early, create a restriction on supply (in comparison to the availability of early supply) to force the prices up quickly so early holders can dump fast. Throw in some features after you've got your early coins to drive demand.
Darkcoin for instance had a massive insta mine where the first blocks were dumping out tons of coins. After being released they re-defined the number of coins they were going to release to be much less. And in addition they created demand for the coin by forcing mixers to have 1,000 coins. (All done to force the price up relative to the price of obtaining coins in the first 2 - 4 weeks).
XC is similar - all of the coins were mined in a 100 day PoW. After the PoW stage the features that were thought to add value began to be implemented. This game is all about driving wealth for those who not only get in early. But have inside information about what direction a coin is going to go (features added, etc) AFTER massive initial supply has gone to the original adopters / insider information people.
The main reason Monero price is struggling now is because it hasn't done this. It's releasing like 20,000 coins per day I think? I would prefer the release schedule of BBR - but BBR was a late adopter (1 month after).
. Monero avoids gimmicks but does focus on future proofing.
BBR made the decision to prune ring signatures. Which if I understand correctly makes it impossible to mathematically prove previous transactions were actually anonymous without the code base (or something along these lines). I 100% want to figure out how to make the blockchain smaller per transaction - but I feel like being conservative about keeping proof of anonymity is a decision that bodes well for the future of the coin.
Monero is working on a database to reduce blockchain size that BBR will probably implement. They are also working on a comprehensive front end. Rather than quickly finishing they are cleaning up the code base as they go to make future development less expensive.
Monero didn't get caught in the SuperNET hype. I could be missing something here - I honestly could. But the best I can understand the SuperNET is more like an exchange that is built into the wallet that can use another coins features by triggering two trades. Trade Bitcoindark for BBR -> send BBR to person -> trade back to bitcoindark (someone please correct me if I'm wrong). Based on what I've read on both the SuperNET and the BlockNET I'm 99% certain they are both gimmicks. Both require code implementations into a wallet. It won't bode well for a coin that legitimately has a future - to buy into a gimmick that was created primarily to allow a developer to offload his coin assets to create a demand.
The fact that (from what I can tell) several holders of Monero's are bitcoin whales and were there at the very beginning of the coin means that the price has always been high compared to other coins. The volume if you shrink coinmarketcap down to Monero's inception reveals that there is a LOT of trading going on compared to other coins over the course of time.
To wrap up - I'm fairly confident that if nothing on the cryptocurrency market changes (there are no significant contenders - which I DO BELIEVE there is room for one to come absolutely dominate the market but it would have to be a work of genius) then Monero is the clear winner in the anonymity PoW race. I believe the value crypto is strongly tied to psuedo anonymity & perhaps full anonymity when people discover they can have it.
Edit: In my opinion the two things needed for the darkmarket are coin longevity & volume. They care less about speculation than stability. Monero hasn't been around long enough for longevity. Volume is as good as it is on any other privacy alt - but not near enough. Speculation or other venues will probably have to grow it significantly before the darkmarket becomes interested (my .02)