Hash Rate: 27.05 MH/sec
Block Found: about a minute ago
Difficulty: 1701572249
Blockchain Height: 257768
Last Reward: 13.7911 XMR
Perhaps someone has access to their companies server farm and is 'borrowing' them for a little XMR mining?
Gee, ya think?
Something along those lines is the general consensus, I believe.
There are other possibilities as well. I have a few cpus and gpus at school that I own, but don't pay power for. Also, not everyone's electricity rates are equal. I'm pretty cheap here in Texas (0.08 $/kWh) compared to Europe (I think more like 0.30 $/kWh for the most part), but I think in parts of western Washington State electricity is as cheap as 0.01-0.02 $/kWh - in the wise words of The Black Sheep, "you can't beat that with a bat".