Sorry for two posts in a row. They are two different, so I decided not to combine.
I just wanted to know: every time when I run file: bitmonerod.exe the mining process starts?
I can assure you that it doesnt. What makes you think that ?
I am not a tech guru - I am trader.
When I exit this file, I see: "Mining has been stopped, 0 finished".
So how to start the mining process? I'm just interested to mine some XMR when my PC is not in use. ;]
To start mining just type start_mining in simplewallet.exe. You probably wont have much luck solo though.
Ok, thank you, I'll try during weekend!
Hello! Thank you for taking part in our usability improvement program! We really appreciate your help! Our dev team is working hard, trying to implement new usability improvements!
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50 XMR.I thought, we can trade XMR only on poloniex. I just signedup there. If you also allow trading in XMR, I'll try hitbtc too.
But a small note for you: there are
no information about XMR on the main page. How can I know about XMR? This is the main usability suggestion, I think.
That's why I registered only on Poloniex.