(I still maintain the lowest block reward should be at least 1 monero.)
What are the inputs that must be considered when setting the eternal inflation parameters for a PoW coin? From technical perspective, I mean.
You have to fund mining, but I guess that is an economics consideration.
From economical perspective, 100 years of growth at 2% APR is 624% per century. Granted, century is a long time, but also the current system with its wasteful resource acquisition and general footprint on pristine nature, cannot continue 1-2 more centuries with this growth rate.
On the other hand, gold production of about 1.2% (historically higher ~2%) can be regarded as near optimal, because gold has held its value vs. oil in the last decades.
The larger the annual % of your money supply that you spend on mining, then assuming your mining hasn't been destroyed with ASICs as is the case for Bitcoin, then the more new people can come into the coin via mining.
Mining could be the most efficient way to introduce new users to the coin, as it doesn't require AML, KYC, fraudulent exchanges, etc..
Do you want a Mt.Gox and Coinbase driving your coin's adoption, or do you want to get the coins directly to them?
Investors should understand that a larger (reasonable, not pump & dump levels of) debasement is going to drive more adoption and thus avoid the problem that happened to Bitcoin wherein it fell into a log-logistic adoption rate (instead of logistic, as I showed) and this is the reason the price will not be moving up as fast as it had been in the past.
In my view 1% is myopic. Gold has never been a widely adopted currency. Never! It was always debased bronze, etc..
Go for 3 - 10% instead!
If the economic and population growth abate, 0% is of course optimal as you cannot go lower.
It is possible to remove coins from the supply via demurrage.
=> The quick thinking would point to 0.5%-2% bracket, and it must be percentage, not a fixed amount.
This is a really important matter. A 1%-point fail can easily destroy the coin. (see silver inflation in 1850-1870 for instance how a precious metal was destroyed)
Apples and oranges.
Users couldn't mine silver.
In crypto-currency, your mining expenditures go right back to yourselves (unless you suffer the ASICs kiss of death).
Btw, there is no way to prevent ASICs. But the problem with ASICs is not their existence, but rather that they are not readily available on time to everyone in the same efficiencies. So if you want to defeat this problem, you've got to think about it a totally different way.
You think I haven't been working eh.