Around 740000. I multiply number of blocks which is almost 43000 with an avergae block payout which i put 17.2.
And Dark Coin's is $25 Million, so a lot of potential here.
And remember that CN coins anonymity doesn't rely on master nodes so it is better than darkcoin. i cant see a reason why monero cant also be in the millions once news of it are spread Though we still need a nice GUI and pools.
need some help, please.
I read read up on the darkcoin dev history threads that the master nodes are useful to provide random mixing. the price of having a node is to make it costly to game the network. the anonymity is not native, that is a given.
They also have ring signatures, I2P and IP obfuscation planned. Not sure that some of this will actually work with the master node network.
Before I put any more into MRO, will MRO be able to convince people invested in darkcoin to switch away or attract new investors given the exposure darkcoin is having?