^Isn't it a POS coin with no other possible world uses than that? Why do we need a different coin for that single purpose?
Yeah, gridcoin exists, but I kinda get what you're saying and may want to expand on it.
One interesting option for Monero (because its one of the few (if not the only) CPU + GPU mineable coins thats worth a damn right now), would be for mining software to switch from Monero to Boinc... and yes, this hybrid BOINC client would be coupled with some type of Monero payment.
So, say you have a rig that pulls in 10 kh/s. You normally mine monero, and there's an estimated rate of return Y (based on hashrate and network diff). However, your Monero-Boinc hybrid client detects that there's a paying job on the Boinc network, with a guaranteed payout of X Monero. In your hybrid mining client, you have a setting somewhere that says "switch to BOINC if X > Y" or one that says " if X / Y >= 1.3". If the job satisfies these requirements, your hardware switches to folding some protein or running a Monte Carlo sandwich. When the jobs done, you switch back to Monero.
Interesting. Could get BOINCers into Monero, and could get scientists into Monero. You know how long it takes things on ROBETTA to run? The damn cue is over a month right now. And it has a cap of 1000 amino acids. WTF?
The WTF chill creeping my skin - I get almost anytime thinking about POW. Power ... wasted.
Well BOINC cannot reduce that, it's
still electricity transformed into heat, just with some little additional output of scientific knowledge going alongside.
My practice looks like ballancing 2 threads for XMR mining and 1~2 threads into BOINC on a quadcore, plus 1 instance of a GRC wallet syncing somewhere (not needed to run that with redundance). That bottleneck, 4 threads would not produce more hashrate than 2 are capable of.
Inside the BOINC network, all calculations are done several times again, by different people. Just to assure statistical compareability. Checking the outputs, and if they match, the calculation should have been valid. It is that kind of computing work that does not immediately solve into a simply quotation.
On [GRC] they deliberately have choosen POS as a power consumption reduced mechanism for guaranteeing the blockchain security. Former algorithm was scrypt and that reduced the ballance down onto almost 50% electricity still evaporating for blockchain security.
I doubt XMR fits in there nicely. Very different worlds.