While I have certainly found primer-'s comments less than useful - an understatement, that - on various occasions, I think it is useful to apply a reasonable and fact-based skeptical eye to anyone's claims, even my own. At least, you can find out if they are willing to make their case clear. Often I am not, for whatever reason. That doesn't make me a liar or a scammer, just not interested in meeting that particular demand. Often being challenged in this way is quite helpful, even if you don't rise to the challenge, because it clarifies your priorities, and limits.
In the most recent case, Atrides' operation of dwarfpool and work on OpenBazaar enhancements for XMR has been questioned. There's nothing intrinsically bad about asking those questions. Quite the contrary, I think. If dwarfpool suffers from an inefficiency, it is good for the community and dwarfpool's users to be made aware of this. In this case, a specific numerical claim is made, but its provenance is unclear. From this number, primer- infers a malignancy, which is premature, but not entirely unwarranted, in the crypto-space, riddled as it is with tumors.
Regarding OpenBazaar, I think
https://github.com/freebazaar/FreeBazaar was intended as the locus of this work, and it has been idle for a while, as the log posted above would indicate. Q.v.
https://github.com/freebazaar?tab=activity I don't recall how much funding Atrides received in total, so I can't comment on the value return of his labors. Negotiating the acceptance of the code would appear to be worth much more than the code itself, in this case. Q.v.
https://github.com/OpenBazaar/OpenBazaar/compare/develop...freebazaar:develop I contributed to this project, and consider the work disappointing, but it's not exactly a big negative surprise to me, so I am cool.