(THERE ARE MANY PICTURES IN THIS POST, PLEASE DON'T QUOTE IT AND CLOG UP THE THREAD)I think there is another quality we are all forgetting when it comes to money.
You joined Facebook when all your friends were on it and you could deny it no longer. Reddit adoption was probably a little more intense because of the ability to join multiple special interest groups. But with both of these phenomenons if you didn't join, you were simply missing content and entertainment. You didn't feel the sting of missing out on exponential potential profits.
We have seen again and again through history that people don't slowly and fairly price assets.... This is my bubble theory, and here's what seems to happen again and again through history:
1.) A new asset comes onto the scene.
2.) It carries certain technical merit, which will improve everyone's lives to a certain degree if mass adopted. (can be minor or significant)
3.) This drives hype. The hype creates an initial lift off that propels the price
way beyond what it should be.
4.) Then we see a crash.
5.) This is the valley of adoption where everyone's expectations got ahead of them, the technology still needed to mature, and the innovators and early adopters sold to the foolhardy lemmings rushing into a "sure thing". Remember when idiots were getting second mortgages and clearing out their savings to buy bitcoins at $800 because "it only goes up" and they were going to miss out on incredible gains?
6.) There is an irrational amount of hate regarding the crashed asset at this point.
7.) This is key: IF there is long-range technical promise to the asset, it will recover from it's bubble and slowly gain steam again.
8.) If there is significant possible growth remaining in the asset/technology, it will undergo another bubble cycle, even bigger than before.
Rinse and repeat until maturity, with the price oscillating until it finds a stable and mature equilibrium.
(No long term technical prospects for this one... the bubble died)
And on and on and on.
We will be no different. Why would be we be different than every other financial asset that has EVER come before us when it's the same humans doing the speculating?
You want to know what the next 20 years of Monero price history will look like, assuming we are successful long term? The exact dates are impossible to predict, but the shape sure isn't:
[SPOILER ALART] Hold onto your butts.