orderbook stays weak, some are definetely refusing polo. i would love to help provididing liquidity at the new exchange if i know who to contact, ofc all other parameters have to be right too, but i am confident
Have you guys seen this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOp47r1r7XQ&feature=youtu.be
Lol, comment troll bitching about the emission. Bitcoin cannot be compared to other coin launches. It was the first. Sure emission was slower, but nobody knew or cared about it so distribution is the same or possibly even worse. First 3 years of bitcoins are in few hands compared to rest of people in crypto, forget about the world. Monero in it's first year is comparable to several first years of bitcoin as it is not this anomalous new tech that needs to be discovered, comprehended and then speculated. The ecosystem was already here to pick it up and word travels fast in crypto now. There has been and still is every opportunity to purchase XMR. In fact, someone needs to tell them that early adopters paid 2-5$ for their monero at time of highest emission and now they are only $0.5 so despite the high emission, new entrants are getting a vastly superior deal.
EDIT: Also, guy doing the video seems like tool. He doesn't even know that monero is mined. He thinks it was a burn like counterparty. And why is he doing his video in a thrift store? lol. Professional.
I also find it odd that someone is doing a video about something that they haven't researched at all. Why would you say that Monero is burned? It would take 2 minutes to google the answer.