I have to say that I really don't, and I think the vast majority (or at least a good number of ordinary folks) of the world doesn't. More important things to care about.
That said, I guess I can see that some people might care about such things, which does give it value. Is it enough to make monero mainstream? Only time will tell.
It's good that you can see that some see value in it. I think more and more people will see value in it. I agree and disagree with smooth at the same time. I do think that too many people are complacent, agreed. However, at the same time I think that the vast majority of people simply do not know how much spying is going on (be it from official bodies, contractors or just third party companies selling big data). Especially the latter. Very few outside the field knows this is going on. It's hardly ever covered in the mainstream media. We surmise though that it will be a larger and larger issue when people see the ramifications of it.
But let's break it apart a bit and spell it out from my rhetoricals:
- You wouldn't want your health insurance knowing your chocolate bar habits, they might raise your premium because of it. They might even refuse to take you on as a customer.
- If your boss knows your stopping your birth control, he might let you go. Maybe he doesn't want to pay for maternity leave. It would be mighty convenient to do that before you fell pregnant.
- If a merchant knows exactly what you've been willing to pay for items before he will be able to charge different prices to customers. And charge you more.
- If your government isn't friendly towards free speech (as we see governments all over the world move towards) and you hold a political opinion that is against the powers that be, your existence in life can be very troublesome. (this is such deep subject so I will not go into it more).
- If you run a little corner-shop and your customers can see what you pay for prices, they might just go straight to the source. Your competitors might be able to see it too. They can see your suppliers and the prices you pay. It's not necessarily good for your business.
- If people can see that you went to a psychiatrist, and take specific meds you could for example risk not being invited to job interviews, or have that date you were going on cancelled, or..or..
- If you were running a local diner, and customers could see that other people were getting special deals (might be your frequent patronage), they would start asking for cheaper meals - or go somewhere else.
- The last one of my previous questions spoke for itself almost. If rogue elements (be it thieves or whatever) can see when you go to the movies, on holidays, go out shopping they can arrange for a house visit at those times. But not just that - they can see WHAT you are shopping - hey you shop for nice things let's steal that..! - and plan accordingly.)
What's that old song called? "You don't know what you've got 'till it's gone.."