Since August 2014 it isn't exactly going up, that is wishfull thinking. And no, not burning but sinking.
- This boat is nearly underwater, and just now is the chance to change emission. Not at 0.050BTC, nor on 0.100BTC. Now, or never -
- now, or never! Once completely submerged below waterline, all passengers might choose to swim over elsewhere, saving their savings.
Would anybody be asking to change the emission if we were at those prices? We are nowhere near those prices nor will be anytime soon due to emissions, where the big boys not aware of it?, and there is currently be no practical use for it, another surprise?
We were told it was not even beta software but alpha. That is not ready for prime time.
Nothing was hidden.
The team will deliver the software. The practical uses need to be built by others. Then there are the circumstances beyond our control.
I am and have been underwater because I be idiot. The money means more to me than most. I get excited when peanut butter goes on sale! For me the price is in no way a motivating factor to change things, the overall picture would be. Given the conversation that picture is obviously cloudy. The blind men and the elephant.