^ Dunno about that. Volume and liquidity matters a whole lot. And source of price where all exchanges base their own is from the market where there’s a whole lot of volume and liqudity. Even if Atomic swaps try to dictate the ‘real price’ of XMR, it will be arb’d enough to be priced the same as the market.
Yeah but if monero becomes the bitcoin privacy layer skys the limit?
Exactly. And I think this will actually be the case. At LEAST it will be Bitcoin's industrial strength privacy layer. I think lesser, but significant privacy will be acheived on LN and Liquid.
I am looking forward to seeing what the Samourai integration looks like in action. From my understanding it not going to act as a marketplace, but as a way to deal with change UTXOs that have privacy problems. If that works, I am not sure why Samourai could not shift even more traffic over to the BTC<=>XMR swaps as they will act as not only as a mixing method, but they will be an BLACK HOLE and break of the previous chain.
From my understanding whirlpool breaks deterministic links by introducing so many extra paths that they become too difficult to trace accurately for very far. Like trying to follow a single strand of spaghetti in a colander. This SWAP functionality will act in a completely different way and be more like a wormhole. BTC goes in at one place, and then has NOTHING AT ALL TO DO with where it might "come out". It causes strand of spaghetti to actually turn INTO other strands with no record of it happening. If they were to use this method with whirlpool it would create a level of chaos and entropy that would be incredibly difficult to even begin to look at.
Obviously seeing apps that act as sort of a market will also be useful and interesting.
My thought is if moving to/from Monero becomes useful and common then two things naturally follow.
-Monero usage, transactions and most likely price, go up.
-More people begin to just PARK some of their value in XMR which naturally makes it more valuable.
There is a REASON to HOLD bitcoin -> value storage.
There is a REASON to hold ETH - > ability to take part in various scams
But the only reason currently to hold monero is privacy and speculation. That does NOT have the same draw even though WE know it should. This development is going to make the reasons to hold monero far more understandable.
I do not think it is clear to us all yet how much the exchanges create significant friction going into and out of Monero, as well as that being a major identity problem. When that friction is gone, and FULL privacy is gained we just set our selves up for a significant virtuous cycle.
I think the question mark here is if Monero becomes a attractor for the most tainted of all BTC. I have not worked out in my noggin yet the implications of that... Seems a little risky, but at the same time... risky to whom?