Self-moderated thread for discussion of Monero trading and price speculation.
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MoneroMarkets subreddit (unaffiliated)
Thanks for opening a new speculation thread. I'm not a huge fan of self moderated threads, as they tend to invite abuse of power of the thread starter in my experience. That said, not wanting to give in to FUD posts/trolling is a valid reason for self moderation, so I'm not outright going to bash the attempt.
When the price is going up people tend to pull their ask in anticipation of a better price to sell at. When the price is dropping people tend to pull their bids in anticipation of a lower price to buy at. At the same time in a falling market a lot of people wants to sell and places sell walls hoping to get out at a better price, and vice-versa.
Also, if someone is in the process of accumulation, he often masks his intention with having the bought coins in asks, trying to cap the price. Similarly a seller would use bid walls to try to keep price higher while he is unloading. I have tried these techniques in a liquid market (Bitstamp BTC/USD) and in a short term (a few hours) and medium trade size (100-200 BTC), they lead to an average 0.45% better execution than not employing them. That is only possible for medium+ traders who have the required funds to put up walls, and only for medium- trade sizes, because large trades affect the market nevertheless and the strategy becomes evident to an observer, if there is simultaneous buy pressure and sell walls. It may be +EV still, though, as I see it being used in Bitstamp often now.