When i did this long time ago, i specified a custom change address, choose a input i want to splitt and send that block to the addy you want it in. Spesify the custom change address as the same address you send to, and the block/input you choose is now splitted.
You can have it all on the same address.
Continue to you are happy. until you are happy.
New wallet will have automatic ways to do this very easy.
Nice to see you here! ETA for a new wallet?
It can be tomorrow, or in 3 months we will release it when XQN is ready for it, then a series of stuff will hapend but all in right time please.
The update mentioned is a more general update on what we are and have been working on, how the funds are performing and how XQNPOSFUND will be "reformed" for better understanding and automation.
To kill any hype attempts, there is only a general update, nothing to show off or deliver in terms of new wallet or tech.
We started out very secret, and it might have been an error to do that instead of revealing our plans so we are starting to open up slowly.
This is some what the update is about.