Nice job dev, Verge will be huge !!
2 questions/problems regarding wallet:
1) I compiled the Vegre wallet on my Linux 14.04 LTS 64-bits. verge-qt start but I can open settings, it doesn't display the menu bar. This way can't lock my wallet with a passphrase, or start console/debug
2) I have some wallet from the DogeCoinDark which I imported 2 privatekeys in. It displays the addresses so import went OK. When I start DogeCoinDark-qt or Verge-qt it loads the wallet.dat without any problem, I see the addresses @ Receive coins but the balance show 0 coins while the balance is 1M+ coins of each address. Sync is 100% complete
that is strange, i will try to recreate that right now. have you checked your debug.log? you should come into the chat n we can all brainstorm on it..
regarding my question 1) I had to find out why the file-settings-menu didn't show on my ubuntu 14.04 LTS machine so I installed a fresh 14.04 on a VM, installed all dependencies for Verge-qt, downloaded it, qmake, make , started ./verge-qt and guess waht.... everything works !! bloody H*LL
so now I have a working Verge-qt on a VM and an error in Verge-qt on my "normal" Linux running on physical hardware.. well.. how am I gonna find out what's wrong on that hardware-running-linux-machine..?
and it gets even more weird.. I close the Verge-qt on the VM machine restart it and the file-setting-menu is gone ! just as on my hardware-machine. But wait.. the Verge icon is there in the top right, but no Settings option there, so can't lock the wallet.
This is very weird.. but I am going to sleep now..
I just started the verge-qt for the third time and now both (top)menu and the icon are gone. So what I found out so far what happens:
- qmake & make verge-qt
- first time you start verge-qt: you have menu in ubuntu top bar (file - settings - ..) + small vegre-icon top-right (hide/display - receive - send - options)
- close verge-qt
- second time you start verge-qt: ubuntu top bar (file - settings - ..) is GONE, small vegre-icon top-right (hide/display - receive - send - options) is there
- close verge-qt
- third time you start verge-qt: ubuntu top bar (file - settings - ..) is GONE and small vegre-icon top-right (hide/display - receive - send - options) is GONE
how Dev can reprocude these errors and fix it.