He that hath two ears hears double speak.
doesn't Satan have 2 heads?
just to be fair, being an analyst is not easy work. one can never be right all the time. but if you can get the trends correct most of the time you're doing good. lucif is just doing the same thing most analysts do; he hedges by providing lots of different alternative scenarios via lots of lines and squiggles. nothing wrong with that.
da2ce7, a valued sub of mine, gave me some great advice early on back in April when i was struggling to find my "style". he told me to just tell my subs what i think will happen and to ignore all the skeptics or trolls. so what i do in my letter is just that; tell everyone exactly what i think is going to happen, analyze why according to my cycle work, and that's it. i rarely if ever put up alternative scenarios or hedge my calls. it makes it cleaner, more intellectually honest, and allows me to focus my mind on the highest probability; no hedging. the bad side is that i am an intermediate term trader (hold for months even years) and given the markets inherent nature to swing both up and down weeks at a time, i can look very bad when its moving against my general outlook. this is where money management comes in. sure i could be wrong in my views but at least subs get an honest, straightforward analysis of what i think w/o any double speak. and i've become very comfortable with that. its not a style for every analyst or subscriber that's for sure.
just my two cents.
I wasnt having a go at you or anyone it was just a play on words with no offence meant . I have a couple of other subs to those offering the analyst services, I rarely act on what is put on the newsletters being overall long on BTC but I like getting the opinions of others.
Been thinking of trying yours out maybe when one of my current ones run out, just dont want to be paying for too many at the one time.