@ theincrediblevictor
I responded to your pm's... im sure once it goes online, it will be available. I will admit; they do work on their time, not yours.... which is quite annoying.
And I'm begging you too (and everyone else here) to please stop using this exchange. Stop sending coins to their hot wallets. Didn't you check for reviews? Didn't you search and find the countless scam complaints about them? If those were all your savings, you should have done extensive due diligence and withheld sending the ETH deposit until you checked, investigated and double-checked again.
This exchange is based in Russia. Resolving all these deposit issues will only happen if they lift a merciful hand and do something about it. You can't expect or get any help from Russian authorities. Current laws in Russia are unfavorable towards cryptocurrencies so it is unlikely they will make any effort or even prosecute.
Stop using this exchange.
I use it everyday. Yes, I have a signature ad for them; and frankly, that's because they pay me to do so.
I have invested in yobit before. All of my deposits have never had a problem because I was keen on exchanging active coins that were verified to be online and a close matching blockheight number right before I send a TX.
Every time I have withdrawn, I have been paid.
You act as if the server/service is hosted in Russia. Do your homework. Your "assumption" is far from the case.
Now; it's not the exchange's fault they they don't support the extra layers of BS/contract crap people cram onto everything 'ETH' nowadays.... This is one of the faults of ETH. This subject is a rabbithole. ETH is different in the way it works compared to all other cryptos.
I will say: if you don't like what you read about yobit; by all means; don't use them. Totally agree on that idea. Nothing stopping you from doing this, and I encourage it to happen if necessary.
But from my past dealings: When I do my homework; and deal in crypto I personally control the TX of; I have yet to have any problems sending and receiving funds to them or any other exchange I trust. Now I trust them, because they have never mismanaged my funds, they have always paid me what is owed... what more do I need at this point?
As far as the OP whom is sitting with their ETH in a smart contract limbo: The most you can do as of this point: is wait for a support ticket to be handled. Imagine how many other people make simple or major mistakes and need help as well.... and how simple or complicated their resolutions may or may not be.... I see countless rants about how people deposited to an offline wallet, or this or that... and frankly; the majority of the issues I see are caused by the people whom are complaining; typically because of lack of knowledge/research on what to do when and how to do it properly. Simple things like not double checking TX/Rx address, wallet status, coin fork information, etc. The list is extensive. Your problem is not a normal one. As it requires to change the way their system works to handle the Rx.