Crypto sphere is like a hell to some now,but i want to encourage everyone caught up in the pool of loss that you can start all over again.The level of dip we’ve had in this bear market has cost a lot of people almost everything they have worked for.I know many are at the point of giving up and turning their back on crypto sphere,believe me you can start all over again.The ability to rise when you fall is all you need to get back on your feet again.In life,every challenges comes with opportunity.If you can search deep,even in this bear market,crypto sphere is full of opportunity that can get you back on your feet,it is only a matter of time.I believe you can start all over again.
That's a good attitude. The long-term potential of crypto remains as strong as ever, so we can expect prices to be considrably higher for the good projects in the long-term.
In the short-term, obviously prices have dropped a lot. They may continue to drop, but for those that bought in above current prices, now is a great opportunity for dollar-cost averaging (lowering your average entry point). It may seem counterintuitive, but if you are facing a loss, then buying more now can improve your overall position - but only if you (as I do) believe that crypto will still change the world.