I came from a society where majorities are not bothered about their retirement plans, Some do have the financial resources but due because of financial revenue opportunities, they feels so reluctant and comfortable without considering that depending on the government opportunities could get to an end somedays. I don't know if they ever have the picture imaginarily about how their old ages times would be.
I can certainly say that elders from rich European countries move in poor European countries, like eastern Europe and spend there life there. Get a pension of thousand Euros, rent your motherland house and spend your life in other beautiful poor countries where your pension and rent income will give you a high quality of life. But locals from poor countries are really in trouble. Europeans mostly don't bother about retirement plans because they expect governments to take care of them when they become old.
I've decided to have a diverse of my bitcoin investment for my retirement purpose.
At some points in life, you don't expect to be thought lessions before you could learn but you can learn from others experiences.
Diverse of Bitcoin investment? You probably mean crypto investment, right?
Be sure that you don't keep your coins on centralized exchanges. Not your keys, not your coins, keep this in mind! Also, the more control you have on your asset, the higher the responsibility you have on your shoulders.
With my right senses at now, if I'm opportuned of being one of those European elders whose aged peoples responsibilities that are being placed on such amount of funds, I'd not just feel reluctant of my youthful age while because I'm expecting a welfare from the federal government. Oh that's a blow to me if can't set my goals orderly or if I can't live a befit able life at my youth age but would have all those comfort at my ages. I disagree to such weakness.
I can't just imagine it how responsible hard working youth or adults would not be bothered for retirement all because the government would give them cover-up.
Okay if I'm in such State of scenario, I'll even prefer to relocate to a lower and inexpensive region so that while I'm earning my government pension right from the expensive state, I'll be at the lower class regions spending my old age in an economy expenses so that I can still have more to save and create financial inheritance for my ahead generation.
Definitely I'd still have them stored in bitcoin right in a solid non custodial wallet and just keep holding not for my retirement anymore but for making the life a better place for my generation to inherit.
I believe the more we ages older is the more we losts Interests in pleasures so while I'm older enough like that I don't think if it'd be necessary of me living in such expensive cities all just for the sake of enjoying my life.
Clearly speaking, investing and considering your retirement isn't just about you and your old age alone but if you're responsible enough, you'd also consider some certain inheritance of f your offspring generation to inherit.
While I was making this long note, I could picture a lineage of generations after generations inheriting such a responsible retirement goal of Investing and hodling of assets by which the upcoming generations ca also inherit.
It takes one to break a protocol and sets the pace for others to inherit and humbly accepts to follow.