I came from a society where majorities are not bothered about their retirement plans, Some do have the financial resources but due because of financial revenue opportunities, they feels so reluctant and comfortable without considering that depending on the government opportunities could get to an end somedays. I don't know if they ever have the picture imaginarily about how their old ages times would be.
My society is very different from yours. In mine, thinking about a retirement is the topmost on the minds of the civil servants. And it starts to dawn on them as they approach few years to retirement.
While I've come way too far thinking about this as I also goes around the towns and sees old people aging so helplessly as they're vulnerable, I fear not to be in such situations so then, I'm striving on making positive differences.
I've decided to have a diverse of my bitcoin investment for my retirement purpose.
At some points in life, you don't expect to be thought lessions before you could learn but you can learn from others experiences.
Putting money away in bitcoin as part of a retirement plan is perfect but there are many problems to this particulary if you come from a country that is 1) hostile towards bitcoin 2) there are more young people involved and investing in bitcoin than the older folks 3) older folks are not willing to learn about bitcoin because they think it is illegal and used for crimes.
Companies that offer several retirement plans have a lot of work to do and they must start first with educating their clients to see the need to invest in bitcoin as part of their retirement plan. Their clients do not need to put all their monies in bitcoin they can have a percentage for doing this. Imagine if all the workforce in the my society put 20% of it into Bitcoin as part of their retirement plan, it would be a massive boost and they will receive a good return on investment at the end of the day.