I came from a society where majorities are not bothered about their retirement plans, Some do have the financial resources but due because of financial revenue opportunities, they feels so reluctant and comfortable without considering that depending on the government opportunities could get to an end somedays. I don't know if they ever have the picture imaginarily about how their old ages times would be.
While I've come way too far thinking about this as I also goes around the towns and sees old people aging so helplessly as they're vulnerable, I fear not to be in such situations so then, I'm striving on making positive differences.
I've decided to have a diverse of my bitcoin investment for my retirement purpose.
At some points in life, you don't expect to be thought lessions before you could learn but you can learn from others experiences.
Well everything you do today is a preparation for tomorrow, if you do nothing you will surely suffer tomorrow because you will not prepared, in my county many people get thier retirement pay at thier retirement age that was millions but still they turn into poor because they did not use thier money wisely, we need to use money wisely and make a profit on it to avoid becoming poor in a long run, our future is our responsibility so we need to prepare for it.
On the time that you would really be getting your retirement pay then this is the time that you would really be making yourself that being confident that you do have that huge money but same as you said that
majority of those people would really be ended up on losing it all due to mismanagement of those funds on which this is something that we do really need up to consider specially when we are already old.
Always put up into our minds that not all our kids or children would really be looking back at us on the time that we do get old and this is where some people do really think up of in this regard on which this is really very wrong. Always think up ahead about into those things when you do get old.
Yes, we dont really need up that much money but dont come into a point that losing it all or on the time that you have a hard time on surviving on your daily needs on which this is
an absurd thing for you to do so. This is why it would really be better that you thinking up differently.