If you decide to let it sync on its own from scratch, (as with all POS coins) some users never updated their wallets to the latest version, and if it hangs on 1 block , then you can wait anywhere from 10 to 40 minutes for the bad peer to go offline and the sync continue or just close and restart the wallet and it will jump over the bad peer and continue syncing. Easy & fastest way just download the entire blockchain.
Thanks for the info, dowloaded the file
. Really starting to like this community, no bitchin, just helpin without talking me down for not knowing this, I like it
Offcourse the ZeitGeist movement is awesome, hope someday the sheeple will see it too...
Does anyone have the issue that a new client pauses downloading the blockchain, and only starts downloading block after I restart the client. And after a few 1000 blocks, have to restart again, and again, and again?
In addition to the responses that you have already received:
I normally take a dim view of a wallet issue being flagged up by a new visitor advertising another coin in their tail end. It is usually the practice of a troll, trying to cast aspersions and at the same time touting 'that' other coin. However, you seem genuine so I will respond to your post on face value with as full an answer as I can manage within the time available to me and within the limits of this thread. I apologise to others in advance for taking up so much space, but I'm putting a comprehensive response here to answer you and anyone else who might post here with the same problem.
Like yourself, I like to download the whole blockchain from scratch. As with all the wallets I have downloaded from other altcoins, there can be occasional sticking points. In my experience these tend to occur towards the end of a long download. I've heard the 'bad peer from an old wallet' explanation for sticking points on other altcoin threads and I'm not totally convinced by it. The more times it is repeated, the more authority it seems to assume as the latest buzz phrase. Further, I have never experienced Zeitcoin sticking on block 1, as you haven't either, so I'm slightly puzzled why you mentioned it specifically. Each time that I have downloaded a Zeitcoin wallet it it has been off like a greyhound!
I normally just let wallets run on a continuous download and I find that any sticking points just sort themselves out with time. Occasionally, I might close and reopen a wallet on a sticking point and I find that can help speed up the process.
Based on my experience, one of Zeitcoin's strengths is in the stability and integrity of its wallet. If nobody on the network is reporting similar problems, then the problem could very well lie with your computer, or your Internet Service Provider, especially if your 'unlimited package' comes with a fair use policy. Downloading a wallet with a full sync can take a long time and your ISP could switch off and reset every now and then.
I think that it is bad manners to mention another coin on an altcoin thread, but I will on this occasion. HoboNickels is an altcoin that I like a lot and I have a substantial holding, just as I have with Zeitcoin. I like HoboNickel's innovation, just as I like the efforts of Ray and others on Zeitcoin to produce a wallet that is far better than most, particularly in its functionality and ease of POS minting.
Recently, I downloaded the HoboNickels new wallet - onto an old computer I might add. The download took three days. Tranz, the developer of HoboNickels, said that he had experienced the same on one of his computers, although on others the download was far quicker. I am about to put a HoboNickels wallet onto an i5 machine and I expect that to be the case also.
In response to a post on the HoboNickels thread, from someone who was experiencing HoboNickels syncing difficulties, I gave an answer which can be found here:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.9452896 but I will include it below it below for convenience because the same applies to Zeitcoin, and to other altcoinns too. I merely have substituted 'Zeitcoin' for 'HoboNickels' with some slight modifications:
Syncing problems are commonly reported throughout the pages of Bitcointalk. Good, solid advice is given out by experts in difficult circumstances, where lots of variables abound. Sometimes even experienced computer users can forget the basics, especially in the crypto-currency, experimental world.
Bainbridge's Guide to Flawless Syncing
For those who are experiencing difficulties in syncing, I have some suggestions that might be helpful. First, the Zeitcoin network seems to be OK on my computers.
I have never experienced a problem with the Zeitcoin wallet syncing, or transacting. So if anyone is experiencing problems, it would seem that those problems could lie elsewhere.Lots of factors can affect a wallet syncing. Resource hungry programs running in the background, ISPs resetting the connection etc. In the way-distant-past, I have experienced 'sticking points' with installing Quarkcoin (an early favourite coin) and Dogecoin. I found that eventually they synced if given time. I also found that syncing was improved by following some simple procedures.
My experience of Zeitcoin loading and syncing on my computers is that it is smooth; seamless, like a Rolls Royce engine. Of all the wallets that I have, Zeitcoin's has been the least problematic to sync and performs well. That's partly why I am here. Let me elaborate further!
In general, malware, anti-malware, anti-virus and firewall programs are not particularly well-disposed towards the syncing of altcoin wallets. The same goes for Windows automatically updating and other programs going on in the background. Different computers and Operating Systems can handle altcoin software differently. This may sound simple, but I assure you that by following some simple procedures, they can prove to be very effective when ordinary syncing is concerned!
Assuming that your hard drive isn't faulty, that unnecessary, background programs have been disabled, that your Operating System doesn't need defragging and is virus/trojan/malware free, here goes:
- If experiencing problems syncing a new wallet try switching off any anti-virus and auto-updating programs.
- Try Piriform's CCleaner (recommended) to get rid of resource hungry cookies, and pesky background 'noise' etc. http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner
- Sometimes a wallet restart, or one at a later time might help. Occassionally with some coins there might not even be a connection to connect to!
- If you still are experiencing trouble, focus some attention on your Internet Service Provision. It is interesting that some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) seem to perform differently when it comes to the installing and syncing of altcoin wallets. Syncing for the first time can take up quite a few hours of download time - 2, or 3 days with long-established coins having long DNA-like blockchains. Some ISPs do switch off the connection and reset according to their 'fair-useage', 'Unlimited' package polices - although it must be noted Internet Service switching off can occur spontaneously. Intermittently. (Guerrilla warfare: switching an erratic Internet Services Provider for another could be a solution if all else fails!)
Still in trouble? Then we are into the realms of the esoteric! Candles and Magik at the ready: -rescan; -salvagewallet, or whatever the appropriate terms are in Zeitcoin-land. Personally, I've never had to use them!
In other words, as a general rule, it might be considered common decency to first check whether a computer, or Internet Service Provision is at fault before posting a syncing problem on a thread such as this.