Cool , 1 vote for Zeit Ambassador
As far as everything else goes, I believe that they would be privy to all Zeit Knights info as much as a zeit knight, other things up for discussion,
The Knights will donate a max of 10 % of their monthly stake to further the cause of zeit.
Should the Ambassadors be required to also donate 10% or only 5% or 2.5% Monthly to further the cause of zeit.
Another issue to be considered , Voting rights, does everyone Ambassador or Knight receive 1 vote , or do we base the voting on the # of zeitcoins, you have ,
For example :
A Zeit Knight receives 1 vote for holding 100 million zeitcoins,
a Zeit Ambassador, receives ¼ vote if they hold 25 million, ½ vote if they hold 50 million, or
3/4 vote if the hold 75 million.
(The Max any 1 individual can have is 1 vote, to help keep anyone from trying to dominate the round table.)
This is all up for discussion, so what is everyone's thoughts.
Edit :
2 Yea
2 Nay
Additional Names Suggested
ZeitPage @ 25 million zeitcoins
ZeitSquire @ 50 million zeitcoins