I really like that, good job Ray
Me too, Looks sharp!
I like it. You are so creative! Should Zeitcoin has two side like a real coin? one for zeit coin and one for Z idea-logy. Thanks
First off, I really love the base coin design there Ray, but as with others, the 'Z' needs work.
I like the idea of a double sided coin (gif/animated png) perhaps on the reverse have a heavy science theme to show evolution from basic animal to science ruling over the 'exchange' of goods.
The wording also troubles me a little. 'Crypto currency' is under attack from folks saying we shouldn't call them 'currencies' for varies reasons, so perhaps just "ZeitCoin in support of The ZeitGeist Movement". If people see 'ZeitCoin' they'll be somewhere they expect to see Digital Currencies anyway, no need to state it.
Just my 2zeits, really nice job so far, but quit ya doodling and get that forum done.... Damn creative types, never stay focused for more than a couple of minutes