Thanks for the free coins cryptorush!
I'm probably very lucky because I got 2 times free Zeitcoin.
The first time I threw their coins for tsryptorush where that 1.1 million and 2.6 million received in return Zeitcoin
The second time was the next day decided to sell a couple of thousand Zeitcoin took clicked sell and look Exchange glitch I stepped back a couple of minutes to refresh the page and was shocked at the bill again 2.6 million Zeitcoin
I do not even know what to say what that straight Mysticism
Well the fact that they tried to blame the devs is what gets me. If someone besides the exchange had legit proof that I somehow ended up with their coins that were never returned I would throw them a bone, but the idea that I should give the coins back to cryptorush makes me laugh.
Alright I was going to keep my mouth shut and let the zeitcoin devs say it themselves, but this has gone on long enough. The fact that they wiped all proof from github really rubs me the wrong way. It WAS their fault, and I'm the one who told cryptorush about the problem. Just ask DeviantTwo. I already explained it once in the thread here, but I'll explain it here one last time for good. A few days before cryptorush shut down zeitcoin, there was a commit made to the github repository. You can't see it now, because as he said- the zeitcoin devs went through and erased all proof of their fuck-up. The repository only shows one commit for Zeitcoin now, but the title should tell you something:
Commit - TransactionFee fixedWhat they did a few days ago was to lower the limits on transaction fees for sending transactions. Now this sounds like a good thing, and it is- but ONLY if everyone switches to this new fee structure at once. Since this change was not officially annouced, anyone who downloaded this modified code was sending out transactions with fees that were so low that no one running the old code would accept them. This is why cryptorush could receive deposits, but none of their withdrawals were going out. This also means it's a MASSIVE clusterfuck to unwind the problem. It means re-submitting all those transactions, while making sure none of them actually committed (which it seems was the case), meaning some people got double paid.
Now you might feel like you're within your rights to keep the coins you got double paid, and sure I guess you are... that's the risk of cryptocurrencies. But if you want to keep exchanges like cryptorush in existence, then don't punish them when the devs for a coin are the ones who caused the issue to begin with.