Expecting TZM Global to "endorse" a particular cryptocurrency, is the same as aligning the TZM Global ranks with those of any government over a given traditional currency. This would be plain wrong (given the goals of the TZM), and does not mean in any way that ZeitCoin is domed to fail or even the other way around.
What we should focus on: establishing ZeitCoin as a means to trade amongst those that want an alternative to the traditional markets (bank & politics controlled, etc). The particular emphasis should be on the supporters of the TZM, because the same general principles have given birth to this coin. We need to keep it fair, accessible to all, and focus on the value of the open source concurrency as *one step forward* with making traditional currency obsolete.
Those looking to make a quick buck on mining/trading ZeitCoin should definitely look elsewhere, as the main support group here (and the reasoning exposed on the dev announcement), is to create a long term and community backed currency, and not another pump & dump show. I am currently mining with modest hash rate, and buying some, using less relevant cryptos at the exchange. Will be happy to donate/share to individuals *outside* of the cryptocurrency community, as a way to get more people involved and debating on the merits of an open currency.
PS: Have a great time at ZDAY, make sure you keep the tone positive, and engage as many people as you can into considering what measures the movement can engage with *today*, to move away from the traditional currency methods/abusers/etc. This is what I see that ZeitCoin can offer!
I understand what you are saying, but to accomplish an eco-system, you need to have a community and investors. The zeitgeist movement was and is the only option. Otherwise Zeitcoin is just another cryptocoin. If this doesn't change and you don't get any investors on your side, this coin will slowly die. I'm still hoping that it will be different (haven't sold any coin).