zeitcoin movement?
zeitcoin is meant to be a tool
i started supporting this coin because it declared itself as the cryptocoin for zeitgeist movement supporters/believers,
"we have aspirations of making this currency a form of reward/barter system in exchange for goods and services to be used by the general populous that follow and believe in the Zeitgeist Movement. We are here to challenge the current FIAT system by introducing another resource to use against the traditional model."
I am a TZM supporter first, zeitcoin is a tool and i will support it as such, there are already way to many coin community's that only serve to promote their coin.
Agree with you, and the main goal has not changed! however we do need to get zeit out there and I urge you as an active member of TZM to maybe invite some other members to this forum? or the other? so that we can discuss the best way in going about achieving our goal? personally I started crypto to make abit of cash here n there and I enjoy the risk and the game but this community has shown me that crypto is can and will be more than that and a coin like zeit is defiantly on the right path. Anonymousg64 your knowledge on TZM is a valuable source to the community so i really hope you not loosing any faith in zeit, I think we need to just pull ourselves together and hopefully more members will start put in there input soon so we can see where to go from here.
think of TZM like anonymous, the majority and the active members defines it
that means the Zeitcoin community's primary goal in the current situation should be to bring it to their local TZM chapter and enable the members, educate them and get them started with crypto-currency.
A bottom up approach is what we need to establish trust and acceptance.
its pompous to expect them to come to us, we need to go to them (actual people) if we really intend to serve the TZM community as its official crypto-currency.
this is what will define us as a community, being able to reach out, have a physical presence.