Mr. Chodpaba, I gotta say, I continue to love your work.
If I could very humbly give you some feedback on the appearance of the chart: I frequently get thrown off by the THICK green bars representing yesterday's price.
Being from the physics persuasion, I see this chart as a ball stuck in a valley. Using past support/resistance, you estimate the "topography" of the valley. Trade volume, then, is kinetic energy, pushing the ball back and forth. The box-plots are, unsuprisingly, the probability that the "ball" will arrive at a given price... but then... there are those heavy green bars, which look to me as potential energy walls - barriers - when, really, they are just markers. Others might not have as much trouble as I do... afterall, I endorse Log-scale charts, which, apparently, makes me a lunatic around here.
Again, I love the charts! Keep it up!