Loyce I'm wondering if you can work out another list from the data dumps. I laugh as I type it, you already provide so much data interpretation for us. I originally thought it might even run along the lines of one of your current lists but I doubt it now.
I'd like to see users who have left feedback for the same members, or have used the same reference link. I have been spending some time reviewing peoples feedback recently. It got me thinking about clusters of people leaving the same feedback. I there would be a way to see how many people out there are solely following the feedback others are leaving. I noticed some being left months after someone else but a duplicate otherwise.
I'm not sure the best way to represent it. It could be a ranked list of people based on how many matches for users you and them have have left feedback for. Maybe even a second column if there is a matching reference link. It could also show people who tend to counter the feedback of others if a pattern exists there.
I don't know, let me know what you think.
I can't really do that, it would mean scraping a few million feedback pages, while I'm scraping a lot already from the forum.
Yeah that makes sense. It did seem like a lot to go through.