Yeah right, they've got a lots of time to prove whatever they've got but they can't avoid that criticizm from medias especially those who are using them as bread and butter as source of stories, I guess for now they just need to embrace the culture though whatever it is they still need to perform and to gain that interest since they've got the chance to play this upcoming season, giving a good hypes for the fans will serve as profits for the franchise.
Things will be more interesting when the actual season starts and how the coaching staff will use them and give them minutes to start playing as a pro.
Especially Alex Sarr which not performing good on summer league and he didn't meet the expectation of people since they think that the young guy is somehow dominant. But I guess its just summer league maybe their teams know that they just need to perform well on regular season since they need more good contribution on real games compare on summer league which is no bearing game. Although many want to see some explosive performance from young prospects I guess we can only see how they perform if their teams will give them good minutes in the rotation.
I'm not kinda excited about rookies performance in season opener but rather I'm interested to watch the current changes on the teams due to what big movements happened from past free agency.