Perhaps the first name that came to mind when "what if" was mentioned was D.Rose. He was a very good basketball player, a very good athlete. Despite serious injuries, he managed to become one of the legends of the NBA.
Even though he never became a champion, we will always remember him and his playing style very well.
The shoes that Adidas released on his behalf were among the best shoes of the time. In recent years, he has been able to do great things in the NBA despite his age. Time passes and we get older
Irlts not that lebron and clevland were so much better than the Bulls with rose. I'm convinced just like other teams they would have made moves to add the right people if rose never got hurt. I'm not a huge proponent of what ifs but this is one of those times. Pre injury you surround dude with shooters and rebounder and you habe a championship contending team. Every contender needs a rose on their team or it doesn't work.