Then probably the league has to revise their rules regarding the penalty and make it more severe so players won't break it just because they earn more than the penalty that will be imposed on them. The main concern here is the health of the players. Once they are injured and they are a big piece of the team, the whole team will suffer, and they'll have a bad season. That's what the league is trying to prevent. It's what we call protecting their investment.
Good point and that's what the actual reason why they are preventing players to play outside after signing the contract, they are protecting their investment as we all know how much they are paying for those players just to play and contribute for the team, and once those players got injured, it will impacted to the performances of the whole team for the entire season.
Those players who are involved in this current issue are not just a practice players but part of the rotations where they can really give something for the team.
If more players will do the same and worse things happen, then it will really affect the league, as what you said better to revise the rules and not just for the organization but also with how teams will implement the rules to make sure if there're newcomers or rising stars that will play for them, they will not repeat that same mistake.
It has already become a major problem, so it's timely to revise the rules and impose more serious sanctions on players who violate their agreement. The PBA should still be considered as the biggest basketball league in the Philippines, and although I'm in favor of revising the penalties or sanctions, I think they should also consider the salaries of the players and ensure that they remain competitive with the current standard.