Too early though, but we have to be optimistic with this guy, they aren't building anyone better than him, so it's safe to say that TNT wants him to be their best player in the future. Castro may retire soon, they'll be needing a good PG too, I don't know if Mikey Williams would fit on the role, bu t hopefully he win and would learn how to facilitate the ball well.
Calvin Oftana is one good player but carrying a team to a championship level is another thing, i mean he can't do it alone if Pogoy and Mikey Williams are not there to help him. Just like Fajardo, without those 3-point shooters that he can pass the ball to when he will be doubled, they can't win championships.
Speaking of Junemar Fajardo, good news to SMB fans here as he will be back on January 12 on their game against Blackwater, so more likely they will be having a twice-to-beat advantage going into the semis.