See the irony, we are now happy with 23k btc and 2.7T difficulty .
Yeah, and after touching 10k will be happy with 15k and only 3T difficulty, you need to keep your optimism up!
I was just reading on another topic about a weird way of making up bullish claims and if we would apply that here, from 30 cents per Th/s, we went down 75% to 7.5 cents, now we're up 50% to 10.5 cents. You see, down 75% up 50%, not that big of a deal! One, two, three does of hopium and even math stops make sense but you start feeling better
It might go down further, in the last 7 days the average block time per day was only once below 100 mins at 9.73 and for times over 11 minutes, with one day clocking 13, so let's see what Texas has to say about it. There is also a new heat wave hitting Europe tomorrow morning till Sunday so I'll be experiencing a delicious heartwarming 38C,, but with the amount of hashrate in Europe, this will not change the block time by one second.
No more tens of MW of cheap or nearly free electricity in China, increasing prices everywhere, expensive gear, the pattern is definitely broken so probably 300Exa will not happen this year at all.