Let's dig a little more in the design of bitmine board.
If Bitmine spend more times on research and development instead of making false claim, maybe their systems can come out a little bit early.
Without my help to show them using MCU on their system, I guess they probably will never deliver a damn thing.
People just need to show a little bit appreciation on people help them.
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.4617214This thread from bitmine is locked for late delivery...Re: Official BITMINE CoinCraft series 28nm ASIC miners thread
January 20, 2014, 10:43:50 AM
Latest updates about the CoinCraft development:
Dear all,
These weeks were even crazier than the past ones. In just 3 weeks
we did 3 revisions of the desk's hashing unit in order to achieve the expected performances, you can check the below pictures to see the work that was done on the various revisions. Everybody in the EE industry knows how long it takes to manufacture 4 layers board prototype, have them assembled and do research and measures on each board revision to find issues, we were able to do this only thanks to the efforts of our engineering team that worked overnight and during weekends.
What happened is that we had a condition where the single chips (or a pair of them) were working without problems at the expected performances, but when put on longer chains, performances were not stable for longer times. At a first revision of the board, we identified an issue with the reference clock, the oscillator wasn't powerful enough to drive all the 8 chips' reference clock inputs, so we had to add a clock divider. Plus, we had the need to drive an external reset, so we added that too.
On the second revision on the board, the clock divider was fixed but the next issues popped up with the decoupling of the power supply. Additionally, we removed the resistor dividers for the SPI signals and added level shifters.
On the third board yet another issue appeared due to parasitic interferences created by the high switching currents of the DCDC, this time requiring a more radical re-routing of the board layout. A team of 5 engineers worked on it these last days and we're awaiting the final revision for mid this week, where we don't expect to have additional issues anymore. Assuming that everything will be fine, production will be able to start during next week.
We are really trying to squeeze out every possible minute of delay but some things like the production of a 4 layers board cannot be accelerated that much due to physical constraints.
As soon as there will be more news I'll let you all know.
Thank you for your patience,
You see, those three versions are failed with bad design. BTW, what is the yellow tag in the third version? We suggested bitmine to use ST MCU. In around Feb 12, they made the fourth version(?) and the board seems working. Here is the picture for their old design and new design for Feb 12 version:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.5108467coincraft desk
old right. new left
difference position of the chips
Please pay attention to the position where the yellow tag lies in third version for the difference.
Without our help, bitmine could still burn their chips and could NOT deliver a single unit. Someone just does not know how to appreciate the help from others and even possibly play the dirty game.
Simple answer to the question "Does Innosilicon have right to sell the chips or not?" will resolve the double. You can just message Giorgio from bitmine or open a new thread to ask Giorgio to get the answer. If there is a dispute, then it is between bitmine and Innosilicon. We made the clarification several times but seems someone is feared to let others know the truth and still dump false information and accusation. Someone just intentionally ignores the fact and do his paid(?) badmouth.