First I want to start out by saying that I am in no way any part of the dev team for Noble, just an alt coin miner who feels the need to help others, and by others I mean the community. Noblecoin has to be the most under-appreciated coin of all time. I am putting this post out to urge minners to just take a second and check out this new alt,, or (or
The thing that sets this coin apart from all others is honestly the premise on which it is being approached as well as the dev. Not only does this coin have promising projects in coming down the pike, such as it's marketplace that will allow sales of goods and services as well as a speculated integration/exchange for Noblecoins to USD, they also are the most crystal clear and transparent alt coin I have ever seen. In today's realm of alt coins, premining has become somewhat of an issue, but I do feel is a necessity. It is not the olden days of bitcoin where you have the ability to mine your own coin and be able to make anything to give back to the community. Today is the day of multipools and super-hashers that jump in a pool and "pump and dump", essentially killing the coin and leaving nothing for the community. With Noble, there is no question as to what money is where and how it is being used. They have a public ledger,, which clearly shows where the premine is, where it is being going, and what it is being used for. The dev has been clear on his intentions from day 1 and is beyond passionate about helping the community. One great example is a pool issue which happened lately, in which the dev reviewed the pool and the people hashing on it, and paid accordingly to cover all lost costs. I personally have never seen anything like that. Here is part of the leger itself.
"Giveaways: 5,413,500 (720 individual giveaways) | Pools: 850,000 | Block Explorer: 50,000 | Translations: 580,000 | Design & Dev. Tips: 45,000 | Games (Seeding and configuration): 1,162,000 | Hash Spreading (12.1): 650,000 | Faucets: 160,000 | Zapto Fiasco (14.1): 1,058,000"
Finally, the coin has several plans to help charitable donations and an actual road map to accomplish a steady stream of help without flooding the market or impacting it's miners or the community. The dev is active typically 18+ hours a day, is on IRC constantly, updating the op, arranging give aways, and helping constantly. I urge every person to at lest check them out, I'd hate to see anyone miss out on a good thing as I want to see the cryptocurrency community prosper together. Please check them out.