Let's look at it straight. People abort basically for several reasons, reasons which points to the forming baby as unwanted by either the direct parents or supposed guardian of the carrier of the pregnancy. As much as abortion is an immoral act, it helps in one way or the other. In a world such as ours, over population and food supply has been a major problem of nations of the world. It's one thing most nations of the world wish to prevent the most but, not being able to put an infringement on people's sexual relations with the opposit sex is one major reason why, abortion is likely to never stop.
There are a lot of preventives as per contraceptives amongst other measures to prevent a pregnancy outcome but, if we are to face the fact, not many persons are found of using these things. So, its just a part of our society that would always be there.
Abortion is so rampant this days that it's no longer seen as an abomination. Some people, mostly perpetrators, use finance, lack of food, and “nobody is saint” to justify the selfish and despicable act. I say abortion, irrespective of who commits it, is murder and all who is involved should be prosecuted (father, mother, sponsor and the doctor).
There are alternatives for would-say unfortunate babies than abortion. For cases of rape and poverty, babies can be given birth to and sent to motherless babies or given out to families in need of child. Killing a baby for a misfortune it didn't cause is cruel. If you ask me, option B is easier, cheaper and better than abortion.