
Topic: Abortion should be banned. - page 10. (Read 2080 times)

Activity: 3346
Merit: 3125
July 13, 2020, 05:40:34 PM
You have a point, We don't care it's their own choice and decision. I know a lot of teenager use abortion because they are not ready yet beings young parent. And they don't want to take their responsibility on what they have done in the first place.

And that's the real problem with abortion. Put yourself in the shoes of those women. Would you like to get a child from a man who abuses by the force? Even the abuse will be a charge to deal with in the future, and had a kid who reminds you all the life that scene should be brutal.
Activity: 2814
Merit: 2472
July 13, 2020, 06:57:18 AM
It should be left to the mother to decide. What should be banned is the vaccination of babies. This creates cripples and a population with impaired immunity, and this is a far more serious crime in my opinion.
sr. member
Activity: 2618
Merit: 439
July 13, 2020, 06:51:15 AM

This is inhumane and must be stop,i am not supporting any of this kind because this is life that we are killing,babies has no mistake why they suffer?
also why there are countries that allowing this animal act?this shows no mercy and not giving future for the little ones.
and besides the one who must suffer is the parents that only wants to have fun but not for responsibilities .

Just out of curiosity, what if your wife was being raped, what if she became pregnant from this traumatic experience, do you think she would want to have a 9 months pregnancy with the baby of her rapist?  what about you, would you want your wife to go through it?
Sorry mate but your comparison is far different from my stand in life and i believe my wife has the same views.

We believe that life always matter and that Child(the fruit or raping) has no sin at all,The baby don't even know what happens so why need to cut His/Her life just because he is from rape?
Sorry but i will make sure that my wife will understand that the baby must stay and we will bring him to life like our own children(and besides my children now are looking for another baby in house lol)
Abortion shouldn't be banned, it could be "controlled", but it should at least be "discussed".
Not all societies are on the same page on the topic.

It must be banned,because That life inside the womb of women comes from divine blessings,There are so many women that wanted to Get pregnant but not giving a chance to have one.

Very interesting answer thanks.
You have a strong point, your view is based on your religious beliefs and I respect that.
Mine is based on science, common sense, and personal preference.
What wasn't a choice a few centuries ago, has become one today?
But to be fair, I'm glad there are people like you, loving, compassionate, and respectful of the life of a child. If you are not already, you'll do a great parent.
you got me there mate and if i am not a religious person?i am sure i will stand with you in this point but my belief is much stronger than science that's why i think our differences on this one is really indeed,But like you?i respect your point i really do.

If I wanted to troll you a little and ask you this question (with all due respect) :
If the child from a rape is a blessing (as per your stance), then no wrong has been done by the raper. Hence rapping should be allowed (at least toward women that share the same view as yours).

(I personally believe that proven rapist should have their balls chopped, but only if there is no doubt of the guilt, we know that justice sometimes make mistake)

We will have no arguments on that,I hate rapist and as a government Employee i am fighting against them,and i am in favor of Death penalty for them as well.

But were talking about the Fruit here and from that i have my stand that i had mentioned above.

Nice arguments here Mate and really i love sharing of thoughts and beliefs as long as the respect is there and never been stepped out.
Activity: 1120
Merit: 68
July 13, 2020, 12:31:28 AM
Abortion should be banned because it can be considered as murder, and it is not the child's fault, that is why they don't deserve it. It is the reason why they advise us to used condoms and do a family planning if you can't take care a child or don't have the ability to make a child live.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1693
July 12, 2020, 02:49:42 PM

This is inhumane and must be stop,i am not supporting any of this kind because this is life that we are killing,babies has no mistake why they suffer?
also why there are countries that allowing this animal act?this shows no mercy and not giving future for the little ones.
and besides the one who must suffer is the parents that only wants to have fun but not for responsibilities .

Just out of curiosity, what if your wife was being raped, what if she became pregnant from this traumatic experience, do you think she would want to have a 9 months pregnancy with the baby of her rapist?  what about you, would you want your wife to go through it?
Sorry mate but your comparison is far different from my stand in life and i believe my wife has the same views.

We believe that life always matter and that Child(the fruit or raping) has no sin at all,The baby don't even know what happens so why need to cut His/Her life just because he is from rape?
Sorry but i will make sure that my wife will understand that the baby must stay and we will bring him to life like our own children(and besides my children now are looking for another baby in house lol)
Abortion shouldn't be banned, it could be "controlled", but it should at least be "discussed".
Not all societies are on the same page on the topic.

It must be banned,because That life inside the womb of women comes from divine blessings,There are so many women that wanted to Get pregnant but not giving a chance to have one.

Very interesting answer thanks.
You have a strong point, your view is based on your religious beliefs and I respect that.
Mine is based on science, common sense, and personal preference.
What wasn't a choice a few centuries ago, has become one today?
But to be fair, I'm glad there are people like you, loving, compassionate, and respectful of the life of a child. If you are not already, you'll do a great parent.

If I wanted to troll you a little and ask you this question (with all due respect) :
If the child from a rape is a blessing (as per your stance), then no wrong has been done by the raper. Hence rapping should be allowed (at least toward women that share the same view as yours).

(I personally believe that proven rapist should have their balls chopped, but only if there is no doubt of the guilt, we know that justice sometimes make mistake)
sr. member
Activity: 1344
Merit: 250
July 12, 2020, 09:26:51 AM
what's your take on that?
abortion should be banned because it includes the act of murder of the baby taking of innocent human difference if the baby in the uterus as a result of rape, according to my point of view is legitimate if the victim wants to have an abortion depending if pregnant outside of marriage if want to have an abortion, is an act illegal and unlawful.
Activity: 4410
Merit: 4766
July 12, 2020, 05:16:46 AM
a pregnancy is not a viable independant 'child' until like the 24th week.
it would not survive being born at the 24th week. it just has not developed enough to be viable

so all you lot shouting 'its murder' at any stage of pregnancy pre 24th week are thinking too narrow minded.
yes after the 24th week make rules about preventing abortion, but taking into account the mothers wishes.
(men should not be making these rules)

but before that viable life 24th week point its then 100% the mothers decision. and not 'murder'

some examples of circumstances to terminate after the 24th week is if the pregnancy itself is risking the mothers life whereby mother would die if the pregnancy is not terminated.

or if the scans reveal a anomaly that shows that there is no chance of 'adequate quality of life'
(EG same as next of kin having the control to turn off life support to someone in a coma that wont recover)

as for before the 24th week.
morning after pill is 100% not 'murder' but just removing a cluster of cells
zygote/embryo/fetal abortion is not 'murder' as its not capable of independant life, thus the mothers decision as she is the one in control of the pregnancy

there are many non medical reasons, lets call them societal reasons. why abortions happen
and those need to be addressed as a separate societal concern

EG better school/community education
EG those that try to promote 'sex after marriage' and shunning unwedded sex are not solving the problem. it just makes those horny unwed people just be more secretive and thus less willing to be caught buying protection. thus causing more risk.

also the pretending that people dont get horny until they are married. makes families and communities think its not even a topic to educate people on untill they are atleast engaged/an adult.

if people think that the 'birds and the bee's talk is something for college junior/those engaged to be married your too late

as for trying to define all pregnancy termination, for whatever reason for whatever gestation term as 'murder' is just stupid millenial crying to fake passion about something they dont actually know much about
sr. member
Activity: 2618
Merit: 439
July 12, 2020, 04:56:28 AM

This is inhumane and must be stop,i am not supporting any of this kind because this is life that we are killing,babies has no mistake why they suffer?
also why there are countries that allowing this animal act?this shows no mercy and not giving future for the little ones.
and besides the one who must suffer is the parents that only wants to have fun but not for responsibilities .

Just out of curiosity, what if your wife was being raped, what if she became pregnant from this traumatic experience, do you think she would want to have a 9 months pregnancy with the baby of her rapist?  what about you, would you want your wife to go through it?
Sorry mate but your comparison is far different from my stand in life and i believe my wife has the same views.

We believe that life always matter and that Child(the fruit or raping) has no sin at all,The baby don't even know what happens so why need to cut His/Her life just because he is from rape?
Sorry but i will make sure that my wife will understand that the baby must stay and we will bring him to life like our own children(and besides my children now are looking for another baby in house lol)
Abortion shouldn't be banned, it could be "controlled", but it should at least be "discussed".
Not all societies are on the same page on the topic.

It must be banned,because That life inside the womb of women comes from divine blessings,There are so many women that wanted to Get pregnant but not giving a chance to have one.
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
July 12, 2020, 04:38:04 AM
I would not have agreed more on the topic. I often wonder why engage in an unprotected sex when you know quite well you aren't ready for whatsoever consequence that may arise afterwards? At the end of it all, terminating the life of an innocent child is just heart breaking for me. At least, if you are not good enough to take care of the child then give it up for adoption cause there are many people out there seeking kids of their own.
hero member
Activity: 2912
Merit: 541
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July 11, 2020, 04:23:45 AM
People caught in the practice of abortion have been arrested and jailed. The police still chase the other, which they believe the practice still going on in many places. But it is hard to ban them because if the police did that to one person, there would be another person who will do abortion. That cycle will continue, and it will happen over and over. We can only prevent by educating our kids not to do something that can make them getting trouble in their life.
full member
Activity: 431
Merit: 108
July 11, 2020, 03:48:02 AM
I think abortion should be a woman's desition, they will be the ones who have to deal with the pregnancy.
You have a point, We don't care it's their own choice and decision. I know a lot of teenager use abortion because they are not ready yet beings young parent. And they don't want to take their responsibility on what they have done in the first place.
copper member
Activity: 112
Merit: 0
June 30, 2020, 05:30:55 PM
I am against to abortion and i never want to see people doing such thing. Some countries legalized it but i don't like them for doing so.
hero member
Activity: 3024
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June 09, 2020, 09:16:26 AM
As much as I want, I'm pro-life.

But it's hard to accept the reality that even they want to raise the baby, they don't have the capacity and it happened because of teenage pregnancy. They'll depend on their parents and no urgency to work for what they've done.

Thinking that you have to end an infant's life, I can't take it.  Undecided

They should be given a chance to live and as for the parents they have to prove us wrong that they can do raise well their child.

This is my opinion guys but I also understand others' thoughts regarding the opposite reaction and their take on this issue.
sr. member
Activity: 2618
Merit: 439
June 09, 2020, 02:20:46 AM
Abortion is the killing of a person while he is in a defenseless state. People were told that this is normal, but it is a terrible crime! Never do that.
Thanks for your understanding. Many people has no proper knowledge. They don't know killing is a crime whether in Adult or infant. I know lot of people don't believe in religion. Unfortunately killing is spreading all over the world. Human life matter whether black or white.

People are becoming animals as days goes by,there are some news that in other countries fetus has been serve in table as food(i don't know if this is true} and also abortion is legal in some part of the world,when those sex partners if they forgot to wear condoms or to take their pills,the supposed to be children will suffer and need to die.
jr. member
Activity: 100
Merit: 1
June 09, 2020, 01:56:04 AM
Abortion is the killing of a person while he is in a defenseless state. People were told that this is normal, but it is a terrible crime! Never do that.
Thanks for your understanding. Many people has no proper knowledge. They don't know killing is a crime whether in Adult or infant. I know lot of people don't believe in religion. Unfortunately killing is spreading all over the world. Human life matter whether black or white.
Activity: 3346
Merit: 3125
June 08, 2020, 05:50:35 PM
I think abortion should be a woman's desition, they will be the ones who have to deal with the pregnancy. There are some scenarios where abortion is a good option:

If the woman was violated why it has to be illegal to abort?

If a young couple makes a mistake and they are not ready to have a baby, then they should have the option too.
copper member
Activity: 252
Merit: 6
June 08, 2020, 06:59:30 AM
what's your take on that?

being raised a catholic, i think it is still immoral. but at the same time, you could put in on a case to case basis. but at the end of the day i would have to say no if you are going to let me vote.
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
May 24, 2020, 10:00:07 PM
Abortion is the killing of a person while he is in a defenseless state. People were told that this is normal, but it is a terrible crime! Never do that.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1693
May 24, 2020, 07:17:15 PM
Ofcourse, killing babies in the womb for your sake is selfish and immoral. The babies are living beings, aborting them should be considered murder and possibly child sacrifice.

This is inhumane and must be stop,i am not supporting any of this kind because this is life that we are killing,babies has no mistake why they suffer?
also why there are countries that allowing this animal act?this shows no mercy and not giving future for the little ones.
and besides the one who must suffer is the parents that only wants to have fun but not for responsibilities .

Just out of curiosity, what if your wife was being raped, what if she became pregnant from this traumatic experience, do you think she would want to have a 9 months pregnancy with the baby of her rapist?  what about you, would you want your wife to go through it?

Abortion shouldn't be banned, it could be "controlled", but it should at least be "discussed".
Not all societies are on the same page on the topic.
Activity: 3668
Merit: 3010
Licking my boob since 1970
May 24, 2020, 05:56:33 PM
There should be good alternatives to abortion.

There's been one for 200,000 years - childbirth.  Smiley
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